
Showing posts from September, 2020

So, it's just a big hole?

  The Grand Canyon wasn’t so grand for the kiddo. She’s three, and we  had  been hyping it up quite a bit. The drive to get there was long. The stops were in the desert. She was hot. She was hungry. She didn’t understand why we were here and so excited to see a giant hole. For my husband and myself, seeing the Grand Canyon for the first time was a spiritual event. It literally took our breath away. For the kid, well, she just kept asking to throw rocks off the ledge and when we were going to go. If we were all going to enjoy this trip, we were going to have to revise our plan…and fast. Things to Consider When traveling to any site with kids, really, you need to see it from their perspective. While I had an entire lifetime to stare in awe at pictures of the Grand Canyon, the little had no idea what a canyon was. But she knew what it wasn’t: interactive, moving, filled with water she could play in, food. Here are a few tips when visiting the Canyon with youngsters: ·          Get them r